a. Employee Satisfaction Survey (ESI)

Employee satisfaction surveys are critical for business success. We use a custom employee survey to measure and improve satisfaction, performance, opinions and attitudes.

Survey Objectives:

To measure employee satisfaction level from different perspectives.
To identify the perceived importance of satisfaction factors and the issues causing dissatisfaction.
To identify the satisfaction factors of subgroups by comparing their responses demographically based on categories such as age, marital status, years of service, position, function and location.
To propose recommendations for enhancing employee satisfaction to improve business performance.

The study consists of three phases:

Phase 1 - Organization Review & Questionnaire Design: A structured questionnaire will be prepared after an organization review has been conducted.
Phase 2 - Data Collection: Pilot survey and field survey are carried out.
Phase 3 - Data Analysis: An overall Employee Satisfaction Index is compiled and results analysed.

Highlights of the Survey Findings:

Compilation of an overall Employee Satisfaction Index (ESI): an individual ESI is established in order to measure each employee's overall satisfaction level with respect to the various satisfaction factors. Individual ESIs are then used to compile the company's ESI.
Each satisfaction factor will be analyzed individually in order to understand respondents' views and comments on that particular factor.
Variations in the satisfaction level among subgroups will be determined and the results will be interpreted under an Employee Satisfaction Measurement Model.
Results will be analyzed according to different demographic categories, such as age, marital status, years of service, position, function, and location.


b. Customer Opinion/Satisfaction Survey

It is important for the service providers to fully understand the needs and requirements of their customers, and exceed customer expectations. The best way to find out whether your customers are satisfied is to ask them. We ask them for you so that you know what is needed to fix and improve, and what is being appreciated and should be kept. Our investigations help you to retain your customers and attract potential buyers and hence maximize business return.

Customer opinion/satisfaction survey aims:

To measure customer satisfaction level.
To provide trend comparison with the previous surveys with a view to understanding the changing perception of the customers.
To understand the satisfaction level with regards to service attributes such as staff courtesy, speed of response, quality of service and cost-effectiveness.
To benchmark customers' satisfaction on competitors.
To identify possible improvement measures so that appropriate actions can be taken to enhance customer satisfaction and hence market competitiveness.
To establish customer loyalty and hence enhance business return.


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